
Absolute freedom can only be accomplished on accepting the will of God over our own.
All things that get in the way of our spiritual progress must be ready to be removed at any time.
All selfishness must be annihilated entirely.

“Because if this is gonna be a Christian nation that DOESN’T help the poor, either we’ve got to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we’ve got to acknowledge that he commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition — and then admit that we just don’t want to do it.”
— Stephen Colbert


Faith and Humility

There is a team effort between Faith and Humility. You must have both or you won't have either. To be humble you must have faith and to have faith you must be humble.
If you have faith without humility then your faith turns into overconfidence and arrogance. Without faith then your humility turns to doubting yourself and having no confidence.


Holiness of Being

I hope in the future as this blog continues that my knowledge will increase and that my notes become more insightful. As for now, I make do with what I have.

My grammar sucks. Often my wife corrects my omission of better words or punctuation. My work ethic could be much better. I've left many jobs with seemingly great reasons only to find out through time that it was just laziness. I can keep going with this theme of my faults and lacking but the point is I have so much to be damned about me and yet I have so much to give.

Through out my life its been a downhill battle of quick fixes and reactionary feelings to the world around me. This isn't as it should be. Our lives should not be lived on the mercy of the moment but the justice of eternity. We will always be on the mercy of God but mercy gives way to justice when we become lazy and weak, like a boat with no engine is subject to the waves. It is our duty of existence to live up to our potential and as Mormons believe, as we are God once was and as God is, man may become. Perfection of holiness is the aim of God for us and falter as we will, what must never falter is that shared will with God for our holiness of being.

The scriptures say "Be Perfect" continually through out each time the Lord called prophets or even came down in Person Himself. He demands we obey His commands but not by phony proposals of perfection as in the case of Cain whose offering was rejected by the Lord due to the lack of propriety. You can't fake it. You have to truly become the person and not just on the outside. As if a police officer was never off duty, we must be continually devoted to Christ. This doesn't mean every activity has to be centered on Christ, but we must be centered. As Brigham said of dancing and singing that you can do all these activities just as long as we're saints doing them. The Lord desires the best things for us and so we must realize that He knows best and trust that through Him we'll have all we need but if we try to cheat or leave Him out in our pursuits then truly we will not be satisfied and will not be saints.