This blog intends to set forth the basic experience and understanding of Mormonism through the notes of a Mormon.
What I write is what knowledge I've accumulated through various studying and activities such as graduating from 4 years of LDS Seminary, serving a mission to preach and baptize in the San Diego, California Mission and just attending church meetings and conferences. I'm by no means an official authority for the church but think of myself as just someone with a testimony of Jesus Christ and His teachings.
My primary understanding is that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, because He enables all of us to be prepared to live in harmony with our Father in Heaven, by atoning for our sins, and showing us the way to live in this life, to obtain an eternal life with God.
I believe Joseph Smith saw God and received commandments, to rebuild the only true and living church of Jesus Christ on the earth, and by him was Christ able to establish His authority and the fullness of the gospel. Since the calling of Joseph Smith, I believe God has chosen men to sustain the church and hold the keys of the priesthood for the kingdom of God on the earth.
The Book of Mormon is a record of people that lived in the Americas before and after the time of Christ's ministry. They received revelations and commandments just as the prophets did in Jerusalem and prophesied of the Savior, Jesus Christ.