The first barrier we face in mortality is that veil between earth and heaven. The second barrier we face is sin. Of course, I mean the barriers that keep us from God. There are plenty. The Tower of Babel was made to reach Heaven and that didn't please the Lord. We can't get to heaven by any means but Jesus Christ.
Many of us have barriers in the realms of sin that don't permit us to reach closer to God. Many things in the world have convinced us that they are necessary to our survival when in fact they are undermining our desires for true fulfillment and closeness to God. Material things as well as things we've grown an emotional attachment that takes priority in our lives like street racing or smoking or golf. There are plenty of things which could become barriers between ourselves and God.
The scientific world is relentless in trying to discover the new frontier, the next step, a new world, a bigger piece to the puzzle. Its great. We've been able to land a man on the moon and heal diseases. We've got some of the most amazing things the world has ever seen in our generation.
The wars are different, the work is different, and the mindset is different but the Gospel has remained the same because God is never changing. What He asks of us is the same as what He asked of Moses or Abraham, to let our hearts be His and our minds be steadfast in approaching His greatness and glory. He asks us undeviating commitment and in return we break through those barriers and progress into heavenly beings. Of course, the way to the Lord is not through our genius but our charity. He is no respector of persons and by small and simple things, brings to pass great things. The world will little note of some small expression of love but at the same time congratulate a small step in technology.
I'm not saying that education and advancements in society are barriers to God. In fact, Doctrine and Covenants proclaims that the glory of God is intelligence. He is the light that inspires our minds and brings us the abilities to bring to pass some amazing acccomplisments. Brigham Young believed as should all Mormons that the improvement of the mind, pleases the Lord. Education is even a form of worship. How much the advantage one has when He is intelligent? Nobody can be saved in their ignorance.
No, of course, the great barrier in our path to God is our pride. Priding ourselves on futile accomplishments while ignoring the great masses of the poor and the needy. Right now there are 27 million slaves in the world. Here are some more startling statistics, click to enlarge:
Now, how great of an accomplishment is it to have a man land on the Moon when so meny men and women and children can't land a meal? How great is our military technology when it hasn't granted anything but war? Its like Martin Luther King Jr. said "We have guided missiles and misguided men."
I'm speaking mostly in society terms but really are we so different individually? We spend much time securing our lives from a poor, dark and dangerous world while some are left out there. We spend more time worrying about our things than about people. Which is bizarre considering 99% of all things manufactured ends up in a dump 6 months later.
Its time to break down some barriers. The barrier that is trust in the system, securities, ourselves and monetaries that we have at the expense of our trust in God. These very things that promise us good lives are what keep us from experience joyful lives in God.
The Temple is a sacred place. Theres no other place on earth like it. Its all done to unifying people to each other and God. We make eternal promises to do so. We escape the throngs of worry and technology that has our lives for a time of peace and connection to the Holy Spirit. We leave behind the materialism and vainity of everyday life, for the spiritual and thats how we break through the barriers.