The Savior proposed the "Golden Rule" which has been repeated through out history and is thus- Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."
A thing I think is significant of Christianity is the Savior's admonition to "Love your enemies" etc. Usually the world understands that justice means doing unto others as they have done unto you but there is a stipulation in Christianity that says to do good unto those that do bad to you.
Often there are accounts in Mormon history of when the Saints could have retaliated against their oppressors and avenge the injustices upon them. Instead they departed into the wilderness, a common theme in the scriptures. Always the Lord advises his followers to flee from the evil world into the wilderness. The interesting thing is people are asked to leave their comfort zone for the Lord. Abraham wasn't comfortable with having to sacrifice his only son but he was willing. Its not easy to love your enemies. "For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ..." (Mosiah 3:19).
There is lots of scripture talk of accountability our works. We'll be judged for our works and we get the reward according to our righteousness. Its often discussed in the scriptures of how we must be forgiving because with the judgment we give, we'll receive as well. If you are merciful then the Lord will be merciful to you. Very simple trade offs.
One of the remarkable things I've noticed is that of the state of war veterans. The guys on the front line of war are causing great destruction to enemies and then leave for home (if they don't die) but they can't leave war. Their service is admirable but the effects of the destruction is unquestionable. There are more accounts of suicide than the number of fatalities in the current war in Iraq. Their actions against the enemies are just as destructive on themselves. I don't mean to indict the army but the war itself. War is never free of an enormous amount of pain and death. There comes a time to fight for those that can't defend themselves but we can all do to gain a great amount of peace from not going to war.
Its not just in wars but in any instance of injury or hateful contention caused against another that will cause a great destruction in ourselves. The businessman who cuts the deal but leaves out a lot of people in the cold, the gossiping friend who causes friends to turn against another, the rapist who must look himself in the mirror and see a rapist, etc. The point is, the Golden Rule works both ways, not only should we treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves but we must treat others as if they were ourselves because the damage we do to others is damage to ourselves. We hurt ourselves when we hurt others.
Reminds me of the commandments the Lord gives on sacrificing our lives for the Lord's sake. Its not only for the Lord's sake but its for ours. If we sacrifice our lusts and pride to the Lord, then He will bless us with a fulfillment of the soul and a life eternal. The commandment to give to others is vital to our salvation and a blessing to others, its win-win. Not only do those that are suffering get help but you are blessed by not letting that devil of selfishness tear a hole in your soul and an unquenchable fire in your conscience. You can't cover up your obligations to God with anything but what He requires; a broken heart and contrite spirit, as that is what is needed to change a person from an enemy of God into a Saint through the atonement of Christ.