
Sighin for Zion

Having been hell bent
To be brought up well spent
My favorite things revolved
Around my being evolved
But progress makes its way
Through dark nights to day
I'm so very pleased
To have received
A new way of thinking
That involves some inkling
Toward a city of light
To teach those of right
About consequences
Of poorly managed finances
Its name is Zion
Which is why I'm sighin'
Its nurturing to the soul
Its loving to the whole
In a society of prosperity
We give heed to God's charity
Living in the present
We should love so omniscent
Man should live on the word
Spoken to all by the Lord
Make haste
To taste
The fruits of what brings
To the heart celestial things
We love to dance
To Zion's chance
Of healing the world
For every boy and girl
Give to those in need
Love in all your deed
Sing the praises of God's mercy
You will witness and then forsee
A city upon a hil
A world with love to fill
The Evergiving Christ will make
A home in our heart to not forsake
Once all are forgiven
In Zion we'll be livin'