
How Merciful of a God, He is!

There are many gods to worship. Whichever thing you choose to be your god will have you sacrifice, obey, and prioritize your life for it, whether its a person, attitude, attribute, ideal, monetary gains, social status, a car or a musical group. Anything can become a god if we place them above all else. Even atheists that don't believe in God or any form of worship are still worshipping something by the way they conduct their lives.

With so many possible gods to choose from its no wonder that Heavenly Father is a jealous God and repeatedly explains to us how straight and narrow His path is so that we don't get distracted by the decoys Satan employs. Because it is Satan that entices us to follow ANYTHING but God.

As the Savior says "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Whichever thing that we set our heart on will be our treasure. Any god will have a reward and sacrifice system set up automatically. For example; the crack addict has that high as their reward and their sacrifice is health, just like the person addicted to food or idleness. For the workoholic, nothing comes before getting the job done and so his personal relationships will suffer but his reward may be his promotion.

To worship anything other than God is to make an offering to that god. The problem is that no other god can fulfill or sustain you eternally. They are momentary and temporal but we are not so the by that fact we find a problem of being satisified and filled eternally. Just as the Savior explained to the woman by the well; "Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water." -John 4:10. Later, Christ went on to explain more about this concept- "And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst." -John 6:35

Shall never hunger and never thirst? He is talking about an eternal satisfaction and fulfillment that temporal things just cannot do. Satan doesn't offer that, he offers the momentary bliss for an eternal incarceration. This isn't the only difference between what God offers for worshipping Him, He also offers us forgiveness.

Heavenly Father is the only God that has sent a Savior to pay for the sins of disobedience and flailing faith. All other gods offer no such savior or way of forgiveness, they just demand more and more devotion, attention and sacrifice, but offer no salvation, just momentary shallow recompense which is designed to further enslave. Through Jesus Christ we can be forgiven, freed of bondage and made perfect by His atonement, then be given complete satisfaction of the soul through our connection to others and God himself. No other god can even compare with the reward we get for His sacrifice.

Bob Dylan was to apt to say "You gotta serve somebody" and serving somebody isn't bad, but the Lord requires that we serve Him above all other gods and that we love Him with all our heart, might, mind and strength. He has shown us how to worship Him through the perfect example of Jesus Christ. Christ's life and mission was of service to God and as King Benjamin explained "When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are in the service of your God." -Mosiah 2:17.

Through complete obedience to the commandments of God, we show our love and devotion. By having Christ like attributes of humilty, forgiveness, charity, patience, faith, and hope, we are making our offering to the true and everlasting God. No one is, of course, perfect in following Christ, but then He offers us a way to come unto Him anyway, by a broken heart and contrite spirit. How merciful of a God, He is!