
What-e'er Thou Art, Act Well Thy Part.

"What-e'er Thou Art, Act Well Thy Part" was a sign that the prophet David O. Mckay found over a house in his mission to Scotland and it became one of his life long mottos. This saying has meaning to all of us because we're given many talents and opportunities that differ and its often hard to choose which is the best way to go or what the best thing to do would be.

My mind has been thinking about the different career choices I have and also I've been in a few online debates discussing the merits of one policy in Government over another. The conclusion I've been finding over and over is repeated in the said lifelong motto David O. Mckay discovered in his mission. I'm not an expert in policies or systems of governance. I read Noam Chomsky and Hugh Nibley and tend to agree with their points on society. But, I'm no economics professor or business tycoon but what I do know is this what-e'er thou art, act well thy part. If you're a capitalist or socialist, if you believe in collectivism or individualism, remember that Christ taught us to be like Him and seek first the kingdom of God. Whatever way you choose to view the world or the career you desire, just remember the example of Christ and the rest is just a means to an end. Jobs are necessary, work is necessary, food and shelter are necessary, but the thing that is most necessary is (of course) keeping the commandments and being Christlike.

Unless you're in some sort of industry that promotes things that the Prophet has declared to be unfit for us to have in our lives, then I recommend not worrying about your station in life, but your status with God. Are you giving all you can? Are you stripped of your pride? Are you willing to forsake all things for Christ? Are you prepared to meet God? If not then you are not acting well they part.