
Insidious Pride

There arises opportunity for pride in our hearts when we feel helpless or scared. When we feel the need to justify our behavior. When we have nothing else to cover our vulnerabilities we turn to the reflective pride, which we use to bounce off all humility, dependence, forgiveness, admittance of fault, guidance, or any other form of repentance to God.

When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, they realized they were naked. They realized that their innocence had been lost and in that moment they were truly human; naked, imperfect, scared and vulnerable. Despite being in such a state, Adam and Eve were repentant and were able to return to that God that dispersed them in their sin.

It is through the Savior's blood that our garments are washed clean. Jesus Christ was sent so that we could utilize His atonement as our cover. He is our way to getting rid of any shame we might feel in the presence of our God, but we must not hide our sin with pride.

Pride covers sin with darkness which makes it grow. Then more pride must be used to cover the ever increasing sin. Whatever part of our lives that we don't consecrate to the Lord will be the most fertile parts for pride to grow, because where the Lord is not, there is darkness. God can't sanctify what we keep from Him.

The insidious pride has many places it creeps in. When we judge the person as being less than or inferior in any way, we are being prideful. Thats not to say to not use discernment with dealing with people. The Lord commanded that we love and pray for our enemies, but not to be completely trusting. Often it was a warning of the pride of the Pharisees or Sadducees or an instruction to not put pearls before swine, meaning- keep the sacred things from getting thrown around in the mud. Don't let your heart be too easily impressionable unto trusting foolishly and being tossed on on the waves from one doctrine to another. Faith in the Lord will help us to remain firm and aware of where the great sin of pride lurks in our hearts.

Remember what King Benjamin said- we're all beggars and man is nothing. Moses seemed to say such a thing as well after viewing the cosmos. Don't get too caught in a short perspective of yourself or your importance. No matter what someone else does, God is judging you on what YOU do with your life.

Its easy to be convenient Christians or buffet Christians that pick and choose which doctrines to partake from. God is not interested in a portion of us, but all. So, He wishes that we give all to Him by repenting of all that is not aligned with His will. "If ye love me, keep my commandments" said the Savior. Theres no getting around the fact that we must be willing to sacrifice our time, talents and efforts to the building of the kingdom of God on the earth. Consecrated lives in the Lord are lives that are filled with opposition but growth, freedom and an abounding love of Christ, "for charity shall cover the multitude of sins” (1 Pet. 4:8).