
Things We'll Always Need

"People spend because they want to capture the excitement shown in advertisements. When you are satisfied with what you have and your life (not trying to live like those on TV), your finances will be in a lot better shape."

Just read a great article on being more fiscal with money. As you may remember from my earlier post, I indeed need to capture a few lessons from monetary dealings. The article was a top ten list of characteristics that make you money richer. Sounds cheesy but cheese is a slang word for money in some circles. I did like the list as it was praiseworthy and true. See 13th Article of Faith. Theres plenty of gems out there, we just need to savour them up.

"The true path to financial freedom, however, is to work hard to earn money while educating yourself to continue to have more value and increase your salary."

The path to prosperity is that very thing. Hard work, diligence, education and hope. Thats what the righteous in the Book of Mormon were always doing, when they weren't righteous they turned into classes and contentious and proud which lead to mafiaosos known as the Gadiaton Robbers.

We need to be responsible and discern what is of value and what isn't. The scriptures constantly evoke imagery or lessons from money. How hard is it for a rich man to get into heaven? Pretty much impossible. But, not because he's rich but because he loves money more than God. Anybody who doesn't love God will have a hard time returning to God for eternity. God simply complies with our desires.

One thing I've learned on this journey out of debt, is that I'll always need money down the road. Let me make this clear, money isn't evil, the love of money is evil. But, just as I know I'll need food and shelter and clothes the rest of my life, I'll need money. If not money than some way of acquiring food, shelter, safety, etc. Since I know that money is always going to be a good resource, I must not waste it foolishly. One thing the Lord doesn't respect is our lack of responsibility and recklessness with opportunity.

Christ told the parable of the servants who were given some form of money and told to use it. When the master returned for an accounting of the servants use of it, the trouble came from those that didn't have faith to use it. We too can see parallels here between money, gifts, or any sort of power that is allotted us by God. Those that were scared to use it, were chastised and lost their gifts. Those that used their time wisely, received a reward for their trust in God.

Jacob in chapter 2 of self titled book, goes on about how we shouldn't pray for riches unless we are praying with a responsible/righteous cause- to clothe the naked, feed the hungry, and help the less fortunate.

Isn't responsibility so Christ like? He took responsibility for all of our sins and why? Out of love. How do you we show love? Taking responsibility for what we're given. Christ took responsibility and was given all that the Father has. We too have that opportunity. When we seek it upon ourselves to help build up others, we are essentially taking responsibility for their well being and being a savior. Definition of a Savior is anyone who does for someone else what they can't do for themselves. The Lord is offended when we ask Him to do what we can do for ourselves. He doesn't help us in our sins but from our sins.

We'll always need His help but fortunately He knows the line between what we can and can't do and acts accordingly with our faith. He can have us move boulders or build mansions but he won't do anything without our faith to take a step toward and as we go, we find the Lord continually ahead of us and leading us. We won't stop on this path till He welcomes us into His arms of mercy and we are in heaven.