
Downloading Honesty

Today, the lesson was on Honesty. Being somewhat prideful in my honesty, I was sure that I'd have no problem with this one. Each lesson can be like going to the dentist to find out you have cavities and going through the process of yanking those suckers out. Well, I found out that "copying music, movies, pictures, or written text without the permission of the copyright owners is dishonest and a form of theft" and felt bad. Mainly because I always have downloaded music. I always would burn mix CD's for other people. I've probably burned over 200 mix CD's in my life.

So, you can imagine that I didn't like the sound of this strange new doctrine called Honesty.
I had the misfortune of seeing the light on the subject while reading chapter in the Gospel Principles book. This seemingly small detail wasn't mentioned in the class but just in text.
I had always thought this was a grey area that wasn't specified by the Church as to whether it really constituted as stealing, seeing how me having a copy didn't take away from the original person who bought it. But, of course this life of crime had to come to an end eventually.

Growing up I often heard stories of people getting arrested by SWAT teams for downloading the new Britney Spears. Once it was a 70 yr old grandma, another time a 12 yr old girl. The music industry was trying to make an example out of people. But, I wasn't afraid. I continued to download music. This isn't one of those doctrines that will be hammered into our minds every conference talk like tithing or pornography. But, it's still now an "official church stance" on the subject to which my grey area is now dispersing into the black.

I'm relieved by this revelation, to be honest. There was always a sliver of doubt concerning it for me. Now, I can put it aside and move on. I used to feel a false sense of accomplishment when I'd get that new album on my iTunes. But, just like the junkie, it was always one more fix that I needed next.

Upon learning about honesty, I felt impressed by some ideas concerning revelation. It seems that revelation isn't necessarily downloading something new out of nowhere but rather learning about something new that had been there all along, hidden to me by my ignorance.

This idea of revelation leads me to understand then that all truth is available and there but that we just aren't ready or seeking enough to receive it. All these great things are hidden to us. Revelation is the key to great things being thrust upon our lives and we just need accept them to live happily ever after. Its a great puzzle that comes together with every piece revealing one giant truth. This truth is there all along and will be there forever. This truth frees us from the burdens of sin's entanglement. This truth lights our paths and gives us hope. This truth is the firm foundation where on if men build they cannot fall. This truth is Jesus Christ.
"I am the way, the truth, and the life"