The Gospel is one truth that illuminates in different spheres. Exactly as the light of the sun is reflected by the many things it touches.
Look at the beautiful landscapes, plants, animals, oceans, seas, and most of all- the children of God. The same sun shines on all of the distinctness of their shapes and forms and helps us to see things as they are in the temporal world. Just as the Gospel of Jesus Christ shines in one unified power of light and truth versus darkness and error.
The light always has dominion as the dark only enters once the light leaves. "For the spirit of God shall not always strive with man..." and once that light leaves our spiritual life begins to darken and we are as lost sheep and the good Shepherd cannot save us from the wolves, unless we cry out to Him for help.
The allegory of Lehi's dream showed that we all must press on through darkness. Many fell away in the darkness and finally arrived in a great and spacious building representing the pride of the world. Not unusual that the people in this place were pointing and mocking those that didn't wander. But, those that kept the commandments are represented those that stayed on the path and were able to enjoy the most precious of all gifts, the love of God. If we don't live God then God's love is something unenjoyable. The same light that sanctifies the righteous will damn the wicked. Our secret works will be found out when we are judged by Him who is all knowing and our final state will be set. Today is the day to start putting the house in order for when Christ arrives we will be able to say we were faithful over a few things, watchful and diligent, waiting on the Lord, despite those that ridiculed, we pressed forward and did not procrastinate our repentance.