
What I Learned at Church Today 4/25/10

The good things you do will be a blessing unto you.

Be better this week than last week. Do more.

Nothing feels better than love, sacrifice, forgiveness, and hope.

Seek to build up others.

"But if not..." We know God will deliver us but if not we won't deny or disobey Him. There are so many instances where we have to keep faith in God even if He doesn't deliver us or bless us in the manner we hope.

We are not tempted beyond our limits so have faith and keep at it because you can see it through.

Don't be obedient for the blessing but for the Lord. Thats all the blessing you need.

That which you continually expose yourself to has a deep impact on what you become and how your life is shaped. The time you put in at church, reading scriptures, praying, participating, thinking about the Lord, makes a difference on who you are. Feed your testimony by exposing it to the nurturing goodness of God.

There are endless amounts of things to be grateful and ungrateful for. Choose which you want to do.

These messages aren't just for you.

Overlooked commandments:
Be of good cheer
Ask, Seek, Knock and Receive and Find
Don't lose hope or despair
Love your enemies
No idle words

The Lord is aware of the flaws of others yet He chooses them for His own purposes. Perhaps to teach them or you or someone else. Don't lose faith. Don't judge or be too critical but first take the beam out of your own eye.

To satisfy our egos we often sacrifice or condemn others. The Lord asks just the opposite. We must sacrifice our egos to satisfy others and not condemn them.

One is not truly converted to the church until they see the power of the Lord rest upon the shoulders of the leaders of the church.

What is so intimidating when you are clothed in truth? Nothing. Fear not to do good. Its superior and everlasting. There is so much crap and darkness in the world. The word of the Lord is a double edged sword. Use it.

How to develop Love:
Getting to know someone or something
Be sincere
Express your love and it will be able to grow
Hearken to the Holy Ghost's promptings
Assume the good in others

Our love determines what we seek which determines what we think then do which determines who we are and what we become. Love directly correlates with our destination.

Keep the commandments. In this there is safety and peace.