

Work is something we are continually asked to do. The Lord wants us to use our time wisely and become something better than we are now. He is our goal. He should be our guiding force in who we should be. If we do that then lots of work on ourselves will come to pass.

Its like working out at the gym. We must go through the hard to become greater. That which you cannot do has power over you. That which you can do gives you freedom to do that. I am in bondage to the ivory keys of a piano till I learn to use them. I must work and work and work or I'll forever be less free. The more we work the freer we are. By our work we grow and become powerful. We have dominion over those things that once gave us trouble.

We all have huge amounts of potential at our fingertips. We can accomplish whatever we set our minds to. We must be humble to realize where we are weak so as to start developing in that area. The Lord shows us our weaknesses so we can utilize His strength through our humility in Him and His ability to make us strong. We cannot change that which we do not know.

Repentance is always work. While repenting we give up those things which are bad for things that are good. When this happens our life changes and if we repent to God we are blessed and freed from those things that once had us in bondage. Christ overcame death and sin and through Him are we able to overcome all things.

"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
-John 16:33