
We're All On a Spiritual Downward Escalator

I hate when people go inactive or leave the church. Even though I have done it myself. Perhaps its the whisperings that we hear when we put off going to the gym. A slow leaving of the church is more common than a quick dissent.

We are always growing and going in one direction or another.

Often in the Christian world you'll hear stories of salvation coming from a single prayer of devotion. Which is good but not entirely the recipe for salvation. So many times throughout the scriptures the Lord tells us to keep the commandments and repent of our sins. The Lord makes it clear that He wants all that we can give Him, not just a few breaths of prayer. But, even if a few sincere breaths of prayer is all you can give Him then He'll take it and redeem you.

To gain salvation we have to remember that we are on a downward escalator and must walk up it. If we stop then we slowly go down. If we just take a few steps here and there then we might remain stagnate but eventually will succumb to going down. If we are mindful of our position on the downward escalator then we should not hesitate to see what else we can do to walk up or in other words continually repenting and seeking ways to be more like Christ. Salvation is always 6 inches in front of your face and we have to keep striving to get it. We have to continually be willing to give up something as a sacrifice to the Lord as He may ask for it. For it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do (2 Nephi 25:23).