
Repetitions that Aren't Vain

Sometimes the lesson at Church, or the scriptures, or the talks at General Conference are pretty repetitive. Lest you think these things be vain repetitions here are two reasons for this-
1. Having repetition helps us see the truth of something from many different perspectives which helps us understand it more fully.
2. Having repetition helps us to solidify what we already know so that we can apply it better.

If we were all faithful and responsible for all the things we already know to be right and good then our righteousness would increase dramatically. We'd have the Spirit's guidance more fully and we'd be given new things to understand. As Isaiah says "line by line, here a little and there a little."

Its not possible though for us to be perfectly responsible for all the things we already know to be right and good. Unless, we strive to with our faith in Jesus Christ and not our own strength. In the Sermon on the Mount the Savior said "Be ye perfect" and we know from the Prophet Nephi that God will not give us a commandment save He prepares a way for us to accomplish it. So, what is the way? Jesus Christ is the Way. He makes up for our lacking by our faith in Him.

When the multitude that followed Christ were hungry (and probably tired) the disciples told the Savior that it might be a good idea to send them home to eat. The Savior then just said to bring Him what little food they had. So, they brought five loaves and two fish. The Savior then blessed it and multiplied it for the multitude. They were all filled. The lessons here are many. What I gather from this story-
1. Those that follow Christ are always filled.
2. That which you bring to Christ will be multiplied for you to give to others.
3. The Lord will always make up for your lacking if you're faithful to Him
4. Christ wants everyone to have sufficient for their needs but we only can if we follow Him.
5. Christ will give you more than you can give Him.
6. Living the Gospel means leaving the comforts of home, believing the Lord will provide.
7. Christ nourishes our spirits as well as our bodies.
8. Anything is possible with faith in the Lord.

There could be more principles from this one example. I know that if we take all the talks, lessons, and scriptures that we have from church to heart, then our 5 loaves and 2 fishes will be multiplied and we'll have an abundance of great things to know and do in our lives to be more like Jesus Christ.